2. neonVest, Tech Marketplace between founders and investors

Stage: Seed

Status: Exited / Acquired

Link to Press: Yahoo Finance

About NeonVest

NeonVest is an innovative platform that bridges startups with investors, providing a seamless way to connect, collaborate, and grow. Its flagship product is a subscription tool that provides founders with on-demand access to globally reputed VCs and operators through 1-on-1 video conversations, leveraging a data-driven matchmaking platform. NeonVest’s ultimate goal was to drive significant growth and position itself for acquisition.


Low brand awareness among startups and investors.
Inconsistent lead generation from digital channels.
Ineffective SEO performance and limited organic visibility.
Underutilized potential of LinkedIn and other social media platforms.
Difficulty to increase retention and LTV amongst founders’ side


Increase platform registrations and user engagement.
Establish NeonVest as a thought leader in the investment ecosystem.
Build a scalable content and SEO strategy to drive organic traffic.
Generate sustained engagement with key stakeholders on LinkedIn.
Support revenue growth and position the company for acquisition.

Our Approach


1. Content Marketing and Blogs

  • Produced high-quality blogs targeting startups and investors, covering topics such as funding strategies, market trends, and success stories.
  • Published a consistent stream of articles to establish thought leadership and drive engagement.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Conducted an SEO audit and implemented keyword strategies to boost organic search rankings.
  • Focused on long-tail keywords and competitive analysis to capture high-intent traffic.

3. Podcasts and Strategic Advising

  • Launched a podcast series featuring industry experts, startup founders, and investors to position NeonVest as a key voice in the ecosystem.
  • Provided strategic advising to refine NeonVest’s positioning and messaging for maximum market impact.

4. Website Optimization and Landing Pages

  • Redesigned the website for improved usability and conversion optimization.
  • Built dedicated landing pages tailored for different audience segments.

5. LinkedIn Social Media Strategy

  • Created and managed a robust LinkedIn presence, leveraging targeted posts and campaigns to reach startups and investors.
  • Engaged with key stakeholders through interactive content, polls, and LinkedIn Live sessions.


After a period of 12 months, as part of its journey, NeonVest achieved significant visibility and growth through the collaboration, ultimately being acquired by AI Turbo in a strategic acquisition that enhanced its reach to over 50,000 founders and 1,000+ investors, including top-tier VCs. Specific metrics about growth and conversion were confidential at the client’s request.