5. AskNeo.io SMS
Stage: Seed
Website: askneo.io
About NeonVest
Needed to pivot because of Covid. Target market was office space and office managers. Company needed to pivot fast to another market, but which one?
Our Approach
1. Rebuild the brand around key principles and differentiators of the platform (authenticity, shared inbox, SMS)
2.Prepare the launch campaign for an intensive 3-week content strategy on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Blog posts, Reddit, Twitter, Whatsapp groups, Slack groups.
3.Launch on Product Hunt, responding to questions and comments in real time over a period of 24h, and giving away discounts to new prospects.
4.Launch a series of “painted doors”, building hundreds of landing pages optimized for SEO and organic search.
5.Measure traffic and engagement over time for each of these landing pages, to determine why and what visitors were looking for. This directly informed our decisions regarding the next features to build and the buyer personas.